Fitness and Exercise Science
These are workshops designed for those involved in health-care, personal trainers, as well as lay people with a keen interest in fitness and exercise science.
- Explorations in the Fundamentals of Physical Fitness
This workshop teaches the basics and fundamentals of physical fitness. The components of fitness, how they are commonly assessed and respond to exercise, and the potential roles they play in health are addressed.
- Explorations in Using Exercise to Change our Body
This workshop teaches how exercise may be used to create changes in our bodies. Somatotypes and the underlying genetic factors that influence our physique and physiology, and methods to safely increase and/or decrease body mass are addressed.
- Innovative Exercise
This workshop teaches how exercises may be created and performed in almost any environment using whatever is available. Safe, effective, and efficient approaches and methods are taught. Dr. Bezilla's book Innovative Exercise is used as a resource.
Additionally, custom made workshops on topics of interest related to exercise that are not otherwise covered are available by request.